The Xtream Rock Island Grand Prix ranks as the ultimate experience in kart racing. There is no greater thrill than racing through city streets at speeds approaching 100MPH one inch off the ground as thousands of spectators cheer you on. Since 1994, Rock Island has been providing that experience for thousands of racers each labor day weekend, helping to build the careers of drivers like Graham Rahal, Nelson Philippe, Joey Hand, Scott Speed, Conor Daly, Philip Geibler, Michelle Bumgarner. Drivers from coast to coast and 8 foreign countries have competed at "The Rock."
During the day racers go head to head against the best in the sport on the safest street circuit in karting. Fans of all ages and interests enjoy free admission to this exciting 2 day event filled with racing. At night, competitors and fans join to enjoy the nightlife of Downtown Rock Island (Ill.) Arts & Entertainment District including outdoor concerts, theater, a casino, bars and restaurants, and much more. It is one of the largest weekends of the year in the Quad-Cities, a metropolitan area on the Mississippi River in both Illinois and Iowa.
Rock Island is one of the few races in the country where 2 cycle, 4 cycle, gearbox and vintage classes draw equal billing. Pro classes, with a cash purse, are featured for shifters, where since 2000 Rock Island has hosted the King of the Streets race, one of the most coveted titles in North American karting, as well as the newer King of The Rock classes for Briggs & Stratton and 100cc 2 cycle karts.